Friday, December 2, 2011

emoticon fun!

After instant messaging my roommate the other day, I started thinking about how much emoticons are used in today's digital culture.  While they are not used much in formal writing, emails, text messages, and instant messages are filled with smiley faces, sad faces, and winky faces. As evidenced by the following exchange, sometimes the message isn't always clear.

Now, sites or applications exist to send emoticons or images beyond the typical smiley faces and sad faces...

Apparently, words just aren't enough anymore.


  1. First of all, your conversation with your friend is hilarious. I love how Wikipedia says that two parenthesis is a hug. :) I completely agree that words aren’t enough for textual conversations anymore. It seems as if the world needs emoticons to further emphasize their point. In my opinion, emoticons are effective uses of the rhetorical appeal, pathos. Emoticons are literally ways people can show what emotions they are feeling while writing out certain sentences. I myself am an avid emoticon user, and I do this to make my point. It’s crazy how sometimes emoticons can change the message of a sentence. For example, if someone types out an insult but ends it with “:)” you shouldn’t take it TOO seriously. A ordinary “:(“ that becomes “:((((((“ underlines exactly HOW sad you are.

    PS. ( ) :D

  2. It is absolutely true that emoticons are an effective way to incorporate emotion into textual conversations. When using nothing but words in a conversation, sarcasm and other emotional cues become harder to pick up on. Emoticons offer a way to enrich your words and make your message that much clearer.
    I believe that the emoji thing going on with text messages now is going to keep getting bigger because it offers a way to converse visually through texts, which is an interesting concept to try and grasp. There are screenshots posted on Facebook all the time by friends of mine who enjoy their emoji conversations with their friends so much that they wanted to share them with everyone. There seems to be something more satisfying about conversing with people using solely images and visuals to convey your message as opposed to text. I'm interested to see how complex the emojis get as the applications get more and more popular.

  3. I love this! I myself am a big user of emojos. I think that they're fun and they make the conversation. It's sad though that they can only be used on iphones (all that i know of). I remember when I didn't have an iphone and my friends would send me emojos but to me they just looked like boxes. I couldn't wait until I finally got my iphone and I could use them! I actually took this bottom emojos that make up the song and sent it to my sister. Her reply was, "what is wrong with you..". Next thing I know, her friend had a screenshot of our conversation and put it on facebook!! It got 30 likes!
